Terrible Ideas: Registration Confirmation

This Friday, the event kicks off at 6:00 pm at the University of Auckland's B201 Foyer (the new Arts Building). If this is your first hackathon, welcome! You won't be the only one.

If you're getting this email, you're booked in for a great weekend at the Terrible Ideas Hackathon. Here's what you need to know:

This Friday, the event kicks off at 6:00 pm at the University of Auckland's B201. If you've been to one of our past events, then you might recognise this as being a bit different! Don't worry - the new B201 foyer will have lots of space for making:

This is the new venue for Terrible Ideas! Check it out.


Your overall goal for the weekend is find a team, come up with a terrible idea, and make it. You don't need to come into this weekend with an idea of what you might make! Part of the fun is coming up with the ideas together. Your aim should be to find something that makes your team laugh, and which you think others at the event would think is pretty funny too. We've got lots of examples!

For a quick overview, this is what your weekend will look like:


The Terrible Ideas Hackathon starts officially at 6:00pm on Friday. Make sure you arrive quick sharp to ensure you don't miss anything important! We'll take quick look forward at the weekend, go through health and safety stuff, and set the ball rolling. From there, we'll bring out some dinner, and help you find teams.

As the night settles in, you'll be coming up with hundreds of ideas with your team and then narrowing them down to the one you really like.

Before 10:30pm (you can leave earlier if you want), you'll have landed on something to sleep on, and be excited to come in on Saturday to start making...


The venue opens bright and early at 8:00am with the makerspace open! Today is all about making. We'll have WiFi, power outlets, 3d printers, vinyl cutters, and a veritable workshop available for you to use. If you need anything else, we can help get you access over at Unleash!

Check-ins will happen throughout the day, and by 11:00pm you'll have (hopefully) finished a prototype you can finish on Sunday...


The final day! It will sneak up on you: this is your final chance to finish all the unfinished things and get ready to share it. We'll help you get ready to submit the project, and by 4:30pm you will be done. We'll break for food, share all our fantastic projects, and wrap up the weekend.

Important: While Friday night and Sunday afternoon will be catered, you're fending for yourself for the rest of the weekend. We recommend bringing in a container an using the on-site kitchenette, which has a microwave and hot water.

You’re welcome to stay for as much or as little as you’d like (no need to arrive or leave when we open & close), but we recommend sticking around for the show & tell if you can. You will need to make your own arrangements for transport home on Friday and Saturday nights, as we’re unable to provide a space to sleep overnight.

What to know & bring

  1. We typically get a handful of questions that go something like "am I experienced enough to participate?". The answer to these has been yes 100% of the time, and we'll have people around to help and mentor if you need it 😊 Having said that, just let me know if you have any questions or want to check on this - we love hearing from you!
  2. 🛠️ From Saturday to Sunday, bring your full kit of making equipment or let us know what you need! We'll have WiFi, access to the makerspace, and power ports (although consider bringing extension cables and a multiplug!)
  3. More questions? Check out our "About" and location pages for lots more detail

Thanks for bearing with us through this long email - we're looking forward to seeing you this weekend! Can't wait to find out what you'll make ❤️

Ngā mihi,
Zac, Russell & the team at Terrible Ideas