💥 Terrible Ideas Hackathon from 2nd - 4th of August
Save the date! The Terrible Ideas Hackathon is back this August. Stay tuned: Registrations open in two weeks 🥳
For those of you who have survived the six months since the last Terrible Ideas, congratulations! We've missed you a lot, so it's time to drag this event out of the Central Interceptor for another year of bringing to life the world's worst ideas ❤️
The Terrible Ideas Hackathon will run this year from the 2nd to the 4th of August in Auckland, and a few weeks later in Sydney and London!
If you're keen to join in on the fun, registrations open in two weeks: on the 24th of June. Don't miss out!

We'll have more to share in the coming weeks, but in the meantime: How are you? What have you been up to?